The New Market Historical Society, Inc. (NMHS) is a non-profit organization that encourages the discovery and preservation of historical homes, buildings and other significant sites along with pictures and documents related to the New Market area.
The Town of New Market has been listed on the State and National Register of Historic Places since 1972. There are 40 pre-Civil War buildings in the town.
The New Market Historical Society begins the year with its annual dinner meeting on the 4th Thursday in January.
It then meets at 7:00 pm the fourth Thursday of March, May, July and September as well as the third Thursday in November.
The meetings are usually held in the New Market Town Council Chambers on John Sevier Rd. in New Market although sometimes we meet at nearby historic locations.
Speakers discuss topics of local historical interest and refreshments are provided. Our meetings are open to the general public and except for our annual dinner meeting, meetings are "free".
We hope you will make plans to attend one of our meetings.
Program Presenters Needed
for our 6 meeting 2025 schedule
We are actively seeking programs for our 2025 meetings. Program content is unlimited as long as it carries a "history" theme and is not limited to local, New Market, Shenandoah Valley, or Virginia areas.
New Market Area Library Hosts Lecture
Shenandoah Valley Foodways by Jon Henry
(owner of Jon Henry's General Store)
Pictured above is Jon Henry, owner of John Henry General Store in New Market, addressing more than 25 attendees who gathered at the New Market Area Library on Sunday, January 12, to hear his presentation on changes in the food industry here in the Shenandoah Valley as well as in the entire United States. The Jon Henry General Store was named Small Business of the Year by the Shenandoah County Chamber of Commerce last year.
New Market Town Hall
Directions to Town Hall
You can get driving directions to Town Hall from any location using Google Maps by clicking the map above.
What's in a logo?
Our logo deserves a little more than a passing glance at the top of the page. It was designed by Jean Caggiano, a charter member of NMHS. In case you never thought about the lines under our name in the logo, watch the transformation above to see what it represents.
Thanks again Jean.
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