

The New Market Historical Society, Inc. (NMHS) is a non-profit organization that encourages the discovery and preservation of historical homes, buildings and other significant sites along with pictures and documents related to the New Market area. The Town of New Market has been listed on the State and National Register of Historic Places since 1972. There are 40 pre-Civil War buildings in the town.
The New Market Historical Society begins the year with its annual dinner meeting on the 4th Thursday in January. It then meets at 7:00 pm the fourth Thursday of March, May, July and September as well as the third Thursday in November. The meetings are usually held in the New Market Town Council Chambers on John Sevier Rd. in New Market although sometimes we meet at nearby historic locations.
Speakers discuss topics of local historical interest and refreshments are provided. Our meetings are open to the general public and except for our annual dinner meeting, meetings are "free".

We hope you will make plans to attend one of our meetings.

  • Next Meeting - July 25, 2024 - 6:00
    Annual Picnic (catered) the Ros and Joanne Poplar Home

    Known as the Sam Wine farmhouse, the house sits on the original Jacob Holeman 1749 land grant. The house has been through several interior renovations over the past 200 years however still possesses the charm and character of a Valley 2 story log home. The property consists of the main house, smoke house and spring house (circa 1770 to 1780). We thank the Poplars for this kind invitation to picnic on their lawn.
    This event will be catered at no charge to attendees. Guests are invited.

    The Poplar home is located at 2051 Quicksburg Rd, Quicksburg Va, directly across Quicksburg Rd from 3rd Hill at De Mello Vineyards.


  • Last Meeting - May 23, 2024 - 7:00
    Luray Caverns, Luray, Va
    Luray Caverns Car and Carriage Museum

    NMHS members and guests are shown above listening to their tour guide at the Luray Caverns Car and Carriage Museum.The collection features over 140 items related to transportation and includes 50 motorized vehicles beginning with simple wagons and coaches to the elaborate and luxurious automobiles of the 1940s. Meticulously restored to their original splendor, these “antiques on wheels” are all in running condition and beautifully displayed among period artifacts and costumes.
    The attendees received free admission.

    Meeting Archives

  • New Market Town Hall

    9418 John Sevier Road.

    Unless otherwise specified, our meetings are held in the Town Council Chambers at the New Market Town Hall.

  • Directions to Town Hall

    You can get driving directions to Town Hall from any location using Google Maps by clicking the map above.

  • What's in a logo?

    Our logo deserves a little more than a passing glance at the top of the page. It was designed by Jean Caggiano, a charter member of NMHS. In case you never thought about the lines under our name in the logo, watch the transformation above to see what it represents.
    Thanks again Jean.